Natural Health Remedies for You

Womens Health Problems (Pregnancy-Related)

Below is a list of common womens health problems related to pregnancy. Click on each link to see more information of each health problem and the suggested natural health remedies that can be used to prevent or treat such problem.

  • Acne in Early Pregnancy - Safe Treatment for Acne

    Pregnancy-induced acne is caused by a change in hormonal levels in the expecting mother's body. This hormonal change or imbalance occurs at the time of early pregnancy, that's why pregnancy-induced acne usually occurs in early pregnancy...
  • Anemia - Natural Remedies for Anemia

    A pregnant woman may develop anemia because of insufficient intake of iron and folic acid. Even if iron and folic acid intake are sufficient, a pregnant woman may still become anemic because pregnancy alters the digestive process. Furthermore, the fetus in the mother's body consumes some of the iron and folic acid, making the mother more prone to anemia...
  • Constipation - Natural Constipation Remedies

    Constipation is one of the most common womens health problems during pregnancy. Many expecting mothers wonder why they suddenly become constipated during pregnancy. The main reason is hormonal changes which influence the whole digestive system...
  • Edema - Natural Treatment for Edema

    Effective natural treatment for edema during pregnancy includes the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals, as well as aromatherapy...
  • Heartburn - Natural Remedies for Heartburn

    Heartburn, also called acid reflux, is an irritation or burning sensation of the esophagus caused by stomach contents that comes back up (reflux) from the stomach. Over 50% of pregnant women suffer from various degrees of heartburn. This condition is particularly common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy...
  • Leg cramps - Home Remedies for Leg Cramps

    Leg cramps during pregnancy are very common. You may start having leg cramps during your second trimester and may get worse as your pregnancy progresses and your belly gets bigger...
  • Morning Sickness - Home Remedies for Morning Sickness

    Vomiting and nausea (morning sickness) are very early symptoms of pregnancy. Many pregnant women experience morning sickness in their first trimester. The exact cause of morning sickness is not known, but some doctors say that it is due to hormone changes and deficiency of vitamin B6...
  • Stretch Marks - An Effective Natural Remedy for Stretch Marks

    Use this natural remedy for stretch marks before and after child birth and you will be surprised to see how wonderful your skin will look...

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