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Angina Signs and Symptoms

This pages focuses on angina signs and symptoms, including angina symptoms in women.

The hallmark signs and symptoms of angina are chest pain and discomfort. Sometimes, the chest pain can feel like pain due to other causes such as heartburn, a muscle strain, asthma, etc. When in doubt, it is advisable to assume that the pain is caused by a heart problem and seek medical assistance.

The chest pain caused by angina feels like significant pressure, squeezing, or tightness in the center of the chest. Some people describe the feeling as like having a band across the chest or having someone standing and pressing down on the chest.

Besides feeling pain in the chest, angina signs and symptoms also include:
  • Pain in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or skipping heartbeat
  • General discomfort
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
The above are the general signs and symptoms of angina. Below you can find more specific angina signs and symptoms based on type.

Angina Signs and Symptoms Based on Type

Stable Angina

In stable angina, the chest pain or discomfort is usually triggered when the heart is working harder, such as during physical exertion. Characteristics of the pain or discomfort caused by stable angina are as follows:
  • The pain or discomfort usually lasts for only a short time (perhaps five minutes or less).
  • The chest pain is relieved by rest or medicine.
  • The discomfort may feel like indigestion.
  • Episodes of angina attacks are expected (e.g. after physical exertion), and the nature and severity of pain tend to be alike.

Unstable Angina

In stable angina, the chest pain or discomfort often occurs unexpectedly. It can occur even when a person is at rest, while sleeping at night, or with little physical exertion.

Characteristics of the pain or discomfort associated with unstable angina are as follows:
  • The pain or discomfort is usually more severe and can last for as long as 30 minutes.
  • The pain is usually not relieved with rest or medicine, and may get continuously worse.

Variant Angina

In variant angina, an episode of pain or discomfort usually occurs at rest and during the night or early morning hours. Characteristics of the pain or discomfort associated with variant angina are as follows:
  • The pain or discomfort tends to be severe.
  • The chest pain is relieved by medicine.


Angina Signs and Symptoms - Angina Symptoms in Women

Women before menopause are less prone to heart problems because female hormones help protect them from heart disease. However, after menopause, women have heart disease as often as men do.

Angina symptoms in women can be different from the classic angina symptoms. For example, the chest pain that occurs in women may feel like a stabbing, pulsating or sharp form of pain, instead of the more typical vise-like pressure.

Women are also more likely to experience other symptoms besides chest pain, such as nausea, shortness of breath, or abdominal pain.

In addition, some women may have more vague symptoms of angina, such as:
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Problems breathing
  • Anxiety
Because of these differences, women are less likely to recognize angina symptoms, resulting in delays in seeking treatment. If you experience some of the angina signs and symptoms above for the first time, do not delay - get emergency assistance immediately.

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